Bowel and bladder health

There are many different types of problems both men and women can have with their bladder, bowels or other pelvic organs. Poor bladder or bowel control, any kind of pelvic pain, and pelvic organ prolapse are the most common problems in this area. Pelvic floor muscles may play an important part in treatment.



Diabetes, or high blood sugar, is Australia’s fastest-growing chronic condition. It occurs when the body is unable to use blood glucose effectively for energy, resulting in high levels of blood sugar.

Bowel and bladder health

There are many different types of problems both men and women can have with their bladder, bowels or other pelvic organs. Poor bladder or bowel control, any kind of pelvic pain, and pelvic organ prolapse are the most common problems in this area. Pelvic floor muscles may play an important part in treatment.

Burn injury

In developed countries, burn injury claims few lives but is a common reason for people to seek medical attention. Significant burn trauma can be caused by coming into contact with heat sources such as flame, hot surfaces and boiling water or oil; exposure of the skin to acids and bases (alkalis); falling off a bicycle (friction); and unprotected earthing with electricity. The most important message about burn injury is that it is totally preventable. More than 60 per cent of injuries occur in and around your own home.

Health at work

Work-related injuries can be caused by obvious accidents, such as slips, trips and falls, but more often they're caused by overuse of various body parts. Whatever the cause, identifying and controlling the risks can reduce these injuries. Under Australian workplace health and safety laws, organisations and businesses of any kind are required to manage risks to health and safety associated with work. As well, workers are required to co-operate with safe work practices. 

Lung health

Chronic lung disease is a term for a group of long-term conditions that affect the lungs. At least one in 10 Australians has chronic lung disease. The most common conditions are chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD, also known as emphysema, chronic bronchitis), asthma, bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis, pulmonary hypertension, interstitial lung disease, mesothelioma and lung cancer. These diseases are characterised by symptoms such as breathlessness and cough.

Heart health

A healthy heart is fundamental to overall health and wellbeing. Your heart sits in your chest, behind the left-lower part of your rib-cage. It is made of specialised muscle and works as a two-sided pump with valves to circulate blood through your cardiovascular system (arteries, capillaries and veins). The right side of your heart delivers blood to the lungs where oxygen is collected, and the left side of your heart delivers the oxygenated blood to your body’s organs (including the heart itself, via the coronary arteries). 

Stroke recovery

A stroke occurs when the blood supply to the brain is interrupted and the nerve cells die. It can affect a number of brain functions, such as movement or speech. While the damage to the nerve cells is permanent, intensive and targeted rehabilitation can help people to recover following stroke. The most common signs of stroke are summarised by the word FAST: if someone’s Face is drooping, they can’t lift their Arm, or Speech is affected it is Time to call an ambulance.


Arthritis refers to a group of conditions affecting the body’s joints, including the bone, muscle and surrounding soft tissues. The most common symptoms are joint pain, stiffness and reduced function, which can lead to disability and reduced quality of life. Arthritis is a common condition affecting 3.5 million Australians which is about 15 per cent of the population. Osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) are the two most common types. Arthritis has no cure but its symptoms can be successfully managed with exercise, weight loss, lifestyle changes and appropriate medication.